So, the Man and I returned from our trip to Vegas last night. The Man completed his first ever Olympic length triathlon and survived!!
LOL He actually did great, coming in 5
th place in his age group! He was a total stud, if I may say so! :) Each leg (swim, bike, run) was double the length of what he is used to doing in a sprint triathlon. The triathlon took place at Lake
Las Vegas, which is a beautiful area! Some of the Vegas money definitely lives in the area! The houses were amazingly huge...and beautiful! And the hotels/resorts were little communities all to themselves. We should have stayed there instead of the Strip area....(more of that story below!) Here are some pictures of the triathlon...
On his way to voluntary torture!! :)
He is in the middle
in the black shirt...
Off they go.... (lots of kicking of body parts going on right now!!)
One of those flailing arms is him!! Check out the view..
Finished with the swim, off to the bike...
On his first lap...
It was hard to take good pictures of him zooming by...
The finish was no where near the start, so I did my share of walking during this triathlon! The little white tent tops in the right of the picture are where the finish line was located...
Towards the end of the run, this waterfall served as a background...
I see him, finally!!
Almost done....
The finish line is just around that corner!!
The Man says this picture sums up the whole event...he was pretty tired!!
...I think by the end of this trip we learned that we are certainly not "Vegas" lovers!! We attended our first Cirque du Soleil show and I think we both kind of wish we hadn't! We spend so much money on our tickets and just kept waiting for something amazing to happen during the show. We were entertained for the most part, but certainly not entertained enough for the price of our tickets! We were also part of The Price is Right LIVE show. It was The Price as Right on a smaller scale and we were really hoping we would get to "come on down", but no luck! Although we wouldn't have had the opportunity to "come on down" very far, because we sat at a table that was right next to contestants row. My arm rested on the stage during the show, that's how close we were! Once again, I think we were entertained, but with no return! I guess that is how it goes in spend lots of money and have nothing to show for it! We didn't gamble a single penny away and sat at dinner the last night feeling like we had just gambled out life's earnings away!! LOL We ate some famous "cheap" Vegas food and ate some way too expensive food. Our hotel was really nice and we had a fun time exploring some of the sights of Vegas (although I was pretty sick of stepping on cards of naked women all over the street!) but all in all I guess we should have gone for the triathlon and headed home when it was over! Lesson learned!
On our way to Cirque du Soleil and to party the night away...I mean, waste lots of money!
This is what the Man choose to do with a $30 a person Buffet meal at the MGM Grand!!