Tuesday, November 18, 2008

If the shoe fits..

Today I learned that not only does GA like to wear shoes that are too big for him...(mine and "Steve's")...he also likes to wear shoes that are too small...or at least try! I found him in the kitchen with some Barbie shoes attempting to put his foot "in" them! It was pretty funny!! He would end up stepping on them and curling them up into his toes. I guess for him that satisfied the urge to have them "on". Silly little guy!!! :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Soccer Finale

MG had her final soccer game last night! It was freezing outside, but she had a great time! The team they played was pretty good at defense, but her team finished out the season undefeated!! They had a great season! MG scored 2 goals last night which she was pretty excited about...it was the first game where she scored more than one! :) I couldn't seem to get a good picture in the dark, and my camera battery was on its way out, but here are a few where you can see MG at least! :) I am sure she will be back out on the field next soccer season...

The 3 girls on the team...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Scrapping again!!

So, thanks to a friend of mine I am back to scrapping!! We are going to get together every Thursday morning to scrapbook, and today was the first day! I actually got pages done and am still at it now later in the day! Maybe my motivation has returned...let's hope so. I am beyond behind when it comes to scrapbooking!! MG's books have left off when she was just about to turn 4 (she is now going to be 7 in a few months!)...JF's books have the first week done and a few random pages (she is 3 1/2!!), and GA's books have not even been started (he will be 2 in a few months!)! I have a TON of scrapbooking supplies that I have stocked up on knowing that someday I would get them done...and now is the time to use them!! :) The pages shown of JF were discovered last night while going through all my stuff in preparation for today...I started these pages two weeks before GA was born...that was almost 2 years ago...and they were completed today!!! Now that is sad!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mystery Dinner Theater...

The Man (who would like to be refered to as "Steve" from now on), acted in a mystery dinner theather on Halloween night after taking the kids out for the festivities. He was Mario "The Hammer" Valentino. It was fun to watch him in action. But unfortunately, he wasn't the killer! :)


Here are some pictures of the kiddos dressed up in their costumes! They had a great time on Halloween and, as always, got way too much candy!!! :)

Mad Scientist MG...

Sleeping Beauty JF...
Little Dino GA...

Pumpkin Carving

We all had a great time carving our pumpkins! MG wanted one to have a cat on it and the other I carved in honor of MG and her crazy teeth!! :) GA wasn't too sure what to think of the slimy insides of the pumpkin. He had no interest in touching them! JF and MG loved "carving" with their plastic knives!