Thursday, May 20, 2010

Preschool Graduation

JF graduated from Preschool today! (although her last day of school isn't until next Friday!) She was so stinkin' cute and did a great job!! I can't believe she will be in Kindergarten next year...time flies! With her teacher, Mrs. Arcy! We love her! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010


My cousin and his girlfriend were in town visiting, so we took the kiddos to the zoo on Saturday. I don't think the kids ever get tired of going to the zoo!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Locks of Love

JF wanted to get her hair cut so we went in today to have it done! It was long enough to donate to Locks of Love, so her hair was braided and cut off to send away! :) JF has amazingly thick hair (even the stylist was amazed at the effort it took to cut her braid off) and it will be so much easier to manage during the summer months of swimming with it short. She looks much older with short hair but looks cute as can be! :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Little Ninja

Well, our one surviving baby hamster is now out exploring her world. I caught her today actually eating real food rather than nursing on her mom! She is pretty darn cute! We have named her "Little Ninja" in honor of daddy, who told us one of the babies needed to be named Ninja! Since she is the only one left, I guess that was an easy naming process! :) Her eyes are just beginning to open and she is changing quickly. It has been fun to watch her grow and develop! We will be able to hold her in a week!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The girls never really got attached to a piece of clothing that they just had to wear all the time... GA on the other hand seems to be a bit different. I was going through clothes in his closet the other day and his Superman costume from Halloween was rediscovered!! He has been wearing it non-stop since then! Even went to the grocery store in it today!! He is so proud to "be" Superman! :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Down to one...

Well, our hamster babies have slowly passed away and we are only left with one. :( The other 5 never really grew at all and this little one seems to have stolen all the nourishment!! I think it (don't know the sex yet) has a great chance of surviving! If it is a girl, we will keep her. If it's a boy...we'll see. He will require his own cage for sure. I don't want to deal with more babies!!! Wish this little one luck!