Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My JF...

This is one of those stories that I am sure JF will hate for me to tell when she is older, but for now I think it is hilarious!!
I woke up in the middle of the night last night and realized that my bathroom light was on. I figured one of the girls had come in and gone to the bathroom and forgot to turn the light off. Not being quite awake, I just sat up in my bed for a few minutes before attempting to crawl out to turn the llight off. Then I look over and notice JF asleep on my bathroom floor...not only is she asleep, but she is next to the toilet with her underwear down at her ankles...asleep!! I guess she had to go potty but wasn't willing to pull her underwear up and go back to bed, so she went back to sleep right on the bathroom floor as soon as she was done! It was quite a funny sight. I wish I would have been awake enough to think to go get the camera before I carried her back to bed....after putting her underwear back on! LOL
Another cute little JF moment...I told JF that I loved her today and just kept saying it over and over again, which she thought was pretty funny. Then she says, "If you loved me a lot, you would give me candy!" :)

1 comment:

phil...jenn...taegan...colton said...

Little ham! Too bad there wasn't a camera...her future husband would've loved that one. :o)