Thursday, October 30, 2008

MG's First Shiner!

When I picked MG up from school yesterday she had an ice pack over her eye. I asked her what had happened and she said she got hit in the eye with a frisbee! Her best friend was walking with her and I could tell that she was the one who hit total accident, of course! I think MG probably walked into the frisbee as her friend was releasing it for a throw! I then joked that it would certainly add to MG's costume for Halloween if she had a black eye...she is going to be a mad scientist. By last night at dinner we could tell that she was going to have a "shiner" after all! We called her friend to joke with her about the fact that she had given MG a black eye, but her friend got upset and didn't think it was too funny!! Oops! MG woke me up in the middle of the night saying her eye was hurting, so she slept with an ice pack on it once again, but sure enough, this morning she woke up with a black eye! We think it is pretty funny! :) Lucky it isn't a "black" eye and rather a "purple, bruised" eye!! Hopefully it won't get too much darker! It was hard to get a good picture of it, but here ya go!

Monday, October 27, 2008

JF's First Hair Cut!!

I finally caved in and took JF for her first hair the age of almost 3 1/2! Her hair was all the way down to her butt in the back and was a little too difficult to handle, especially since JF has a super sensitive scalp and hated to have her hair brushed! She was super excited about getting it cut and did a great job!!

How cute is this?!?! :)

Pumpkin Patch with Nana...

We conquered the Corn Maze in record time and found some great pumpkins!! :)

MG performing a bit of magic in the maze...GA says go this way...At the end of the maze! A stop at the SUNFLOWERS....
On to the PUMPKINS!!!...

Drum Set..

I think only the Man's side of the family will truly be able to appreciate this post, so this one is for you guys! :) We gave this electric drum set to the Man's youngest brother for Christmas about 4 years ago...he was into playing the drums and asked for a drum set for Christmas so this served as a "gag" gift for him, although it was pretty cool! Well, we have now taken ownership of the thing. Nana managed to bring it with her on the plane so the kids could have it. Really...with all the noise in our house already, do we really need this drum set?!?!? :) The kiddos were thrilled of course and had a blast playing on it. We had to set the kitchen timer for them to take turns to avoid fighting over it. It only took me about 5 minutes to be annoyed by the thing!! GA figured out how to turn it on and off himself right away, so that just added to the commotion. So, thanks "little brother" for passing it on to us...I guess the joke is on us now, huh?!?! :)

Nana's visit..

Nana came to see us for a few days recently and we had a great time. It was a long overdue visit...especially since we hadn't seen her since GA was 8 weeks old!! Enjoy the next few posts highlighting her visit! :)Nana and the girls with a don't see these in Washington!! :)

Friday, October 24, 2008


I know I am slacking when it comes to posting our happenings, but I promise to update soon....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Impossible things..

So, I asked MG what she learned about in her class at church. She responded, "impossible things." I then asked what she considered an impossible thing, and she said "cleaning my room!" Sure enough, she had drawn a picture of her room (with no mess anywhere! LOL) and really thought that cleaning it was an "impossible thing". Too cute! But we did it together and got it clean. Nothing is impossible! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

All I want for Christmas... my two front teeth!!!! :) GA bumped into MG at the play place at the mall this morning and knocked her tooth. I yanked it out with ease after that!! Yeah!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

School pic

Missing tooth and all, I think MG's school pictures turned out quite well!! She came home from school today with the other front tooth dangling...time to yank it out!! (or call Grandma!) :)

Soccer update...

I left off with my last soccer post saying that MG will be so excited when she finally scores her first goal....well, she has had four games since then and has scored four goals!! She has made a goal at every game the last four games! She is super excited about that, of course! She lets us know all the time that she has four goals in under her belt! She is really enjoying playing soccer, which makes it that much more fun for us to watch! :)

The Floor?!?

For some reason my kiddos think it is so funny to lay on the floor and have their pictuire taken?!? I guess at least it makes for some cute pictures...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch on Sunday with my cousin and his wife and kids who are here visiting from Iowa. Poor GA got drug along despite not feeling too well, but was a trooper. He spent most of the day in his stroller, but did finally get out towards the end of the day and walk around in the pumpkins. We had a fun time! We explored a crazy corn maze and couldn't find our way out without the assistance of a "Corn Cop". (That is a picture of the corn maze up above. It is pretty amazing!) The kids had a fun time together. It is funny how kids don't even have to know each other to get a long great! :)

The kids got to pick out some little pumpkins on this trip. We look forward to another trip to get a "real" pumpkin when Nana is here visiting next week!! :)

Lost blankie...

This is GA yesterday not feeling so well, holding tightly to his blankie that he has had since birth. All 3 kids have a had a special blankie. MG has retired hers but JF still clings pretty tight to her "Nani". GA is pretty attached to his as well...

Today we took a trip out of desperation to the grocery store because we were definitely lacking in the food department. GA has had a fever since Saturday and slept until 10:30 this morning. He woke up in a great mood, so I decided to take him out. I brought along his blankie in my purse just in case we needed it since he hasn't been feeling well. Of course, he saw it in my purse and it ended up in his hands. Well, at some point he dropped it and I didn't notice and despite backtracking across the entire store, we couldn't find it. I asked the cashiers and customer service if anyone had turned it in, but, no. I left my name and number, but has anyone called? No. Grandma even went by after work to see if it had been turned in yet, hours later, and the answer remains, NO!! Who picks up a little boys security blanket and keeps it!! I am annoyed by that.

Anyways, after we drove the groceries home we went back out to the store where I purchase the original one. And of course, they don't have them anymore. I bought a different one, which really is nothing like his other one, but it feels similar. He hugged it right away in the store when I showed it to him. Then moments later he threw it down as if to say, "you can't fool me, mom!" I bought it anyways in hopes that it would work to console him, and I am pleased to say he is asleep with it right now! We'll see if he really accepts it as his new blankie as time goes on...

He is running a fever again as well, so off to the doctor tomorrow...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tagged by my SIL

10 years ago.....

1.) I was 17
2.) I was finishing high school and preparing to graduate in December
3.) I was going to college
4.) I was driving a Nissan pick-up truck
5.) I was clueless about life!! :)

5 Things on my "to do list" today.....

1.) Clean the carpet in the bedrooms
2.) Clean out the car
3.) Go to MG's soccer game
4.) Take a shower!!! :)
5.) laundry

5 Snacks I enjoy.....

1.) popcorn
2.) ice cream
3.) cheese
4.) Starbucks
5.) chocolate/anything sweet!!

5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire.....

1.) Pay off our house
2.) Pay off our car/motorcycle
3.) Buy a mini-van
4.) Go on a super luxurious vacation with no regard to how much anything costs
5.) Buy a bigger house

5 Places I have lived.....

1.) Germany
2.) Ft. Huachuca. AZ
3.) Georgia
4.) Copperas Cove, TX
5.) Sierra Vista, AZ

5 Jobs I have had.....

1.) paper girl
2.) sales associate
3.) administrative assistant
4.) computer programmer
5.) daycare worker