This is GA yesterday not feeling so well, holding tightly to his blankie that he has had since birth. All 3 kids have a had a special blankie. MG has retired hers but JF still clings pretty tight to her "Nani". GA is pretty attached to his as well...
Today we took a trip out of desperation to the grocery store because we were definitely lacking in the food department. GA has had a fever since Saturday and slept until 10:30 this morning. He woke up in a great mood, so I decided to take him out. I brought along his blankie in my purse just in case we needed it since he hasn't been feeling well. Of course, he saw it in my purse and it ended up in his hands. Well, at some point he dropped it and I didn't notice and despite backtracking across the entire store, we couldn't find it. I asked the cashiers and customer service if anyone had turned it in, but, no. I left my name and number, but has anyone called? No. Grandma even went by after work to see if it had been turned in yet, hours later, and the answer remains, NO!! Who picks up a little boys security blanket and keeps it!! I am annoyed by that.
Anyways, after we drove the groceries home we went back out to the store where I purchase the original one. And of course, they don't have them anymore. I bought a different one, which really is nothing like his other one, but it feels similar. He hugged it right away in the store when I showed it to him. Then moments later he threw it down as if to say, "you can't fool me, mom!" I bought it anyways in hopes that it would work to console him, and I am pleased to say he is asleep with it right now! We'll see if he really accepts it as his new blankie as time goes on...
He is running a fever again as well, so off to the doctor tomorrow...
7 years ago
Hope he feels better soon! It's no fun havin' sick kids :-( I'm with you... who steals a blankie?? That's just wrong!
poor guy! Hope he feels better soon and you find the blankie!
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