Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Paci be gone!

So, yesterday I took GA's paci away. It was a rough day, especially once nap time came and went and he would not go to sleep without it...instead he screamed!!! Evening came and he was NOT in a good mood. Every little thing bugged him and by that point he wouldn't even eat! So I layed him down for bed a little later than usually hoping he would just be exhausted...and low and behold, although he was mad at me for putting him down, he didn't cry for long at all and slept all night!!! WOO HOO!! And I am happy to report that he is down for a nap right now and is asleep with very little protest. He did ask for his paci before I left the room and cried for a second, but I think we may have success!!! :) Since he is almost two and seemed to be becoming more and more attached to it, I decided it was time! Maybe he will talk more now?!?! We'll see...

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Such a hard transition-hang in there though!