Friday, April 10, 2009

Rough day..

MG didn't have school on Friday since it was Good Friday, so she was able to come to playgroup with us. We decided to have playgroup at the park in our neighborhood since all the "big" kids would be joining us. MG was swinging and leaned back too far and did a complete flip and landed on her face! Ouch!!! I thought she broker her wrist because her hand was all cut up and she said she couldn't move it, but it ended up being okay. Her face on the other hand, not so okay! Poor thing. She had two huge lips for most of the day and has lots of cuts and scraps. She kept telling me that she didn't want to have pictures taken on Easter! :( It definitely bummed her out for a good part of the day today. She looked so pitiful. But now the swelling has gone down and we keep joking with her telling her she looks like she has melted chocolate on her face (the bloody areas have started to turn a brown color)! :) I was originally going to take the girls down to the park to play and have my friends watch them because I (GA) was supposed to have a meeting with the lady from the AZ Early Intervention Program again that morning, but she called and had to reschedule because her daughter was sick. Thank goodness, because MG would have freaked out even more if I wouldn't have been there!


The Jordan Family said...

Awe sweetie... you're still beautiful!!!

Angela said...

Poor girl!!! It will heal and she will be as good as new!!!

The Smith's said...

Never mind to the other question. This pretty much sheds light on it!! Tell her that her dad one time got a chair dropped on his head and had a bump the size of a softball. He looked like an alien from mars!!