Monday, September 14, 2009

Bella Rose

My good friend, Stacey, has her own business making tutus, tutu dresses, hats, hair clips, headbands, etc. ( Well, lucky for me, my girls have become models for her business open houses and such. So that means I get awesome photo shoots of my girls done without having to pay a penny or do any of the work!! :) Can't beat that. Here are some pictures of MG and JF modeling some of the Bella Rose products. (And some of GA in a photo shoot of him that was done at the same time that have never been posted on here!!)

Some bonus shots of all three together done during JF and GA's photo shoot!! :)

Photo shoot of MG done by Stacey. Photo shoot of JF and GA done by my good friend, Judy.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

How cute!!