Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tagged by my SIL

10 years ago.....

1.) I was 17
2.) I was finishing high school and preparing to graduate in December
3.) I was going to college
4.) I was driving a Nissan pick-up truck
5.) I was clueless about life!! :)

5 Things on my "to do list" today.....

1.) Clean the carpet in the bedrooms
2.) Clean out the car
3.) Go to MG's soccer game
4.) Take a shower!!! :)
5.) laundry

5 Snacks I enjoy.....

1.) popcorn
2.) ice cream
3.) cheese
4.) Starbucks
5.) chocolate/anything sweet!!

5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire.....

1.) Pay off our house
2.) Pay off our car/motorcycle
3.) Buy a mini-van
4.) Go on a super luxurious vacation with no regard to how much anything costs
5.) Buy a bigger house

5 Places I have lived.....

1.) Germany
2.) Ft. Huachuca. AZ
3.) Georgia
4.) Copperas Cove, TX
5.) Sierra Vista, AZ

5 Jobs I have had.....

1.) paper girl
2.) sales associate
3.) administrative assistant
4.) computer programmer
5.) daycare worker

1 comment:

Samantha said...

You and the man were both "paper people". Did he tell you people used to think he was a handicap man because he was such a huge kid with facial hair at 10! =)