Friday, September 11, 2009

Yee Haw!!!

We took the kids to their first rodeo!! They thought it was pretty cool. MG participated in the Muttin' Bustin' (Sheep Riding) event! She came away with no tears and injury free which wasn't how majority of the kids walked away. It was pretty rough riding those sheep...once the kids were thrown from the sheep it often stepped right on them. It was like bull riding for little ones! JF was signed up to partipate but once she saw the first kid do it she started crying and didn't want to do it. MG also chased a bunch of calves around trying to pull a ribbon off thir tails. It was pretty funny to watch. JF initially started this event, but once MG took off and left her she started crying again! Poor thing. But all in all, it was a fun day! :)Ready for some Muttin' Bustin'...before JF decided she was not interested! This is MG!!!The "Muttin' Busters"...including those who decided not to participate...not JF is in the pic! Off they go chasing the calves...Those little guys were fast!"The Chasers"

1 comment:

Samantha said...

How fun! The kids look so cute!