We (mom, JF, GA, and mom's friend) spent the day in crazy hot Phoenix Thursday, where JF had 3 doctors appointments with the Spina Bifida team. We started our day with a visit to the neurosurgeon. No major tests with him, just a routine visit. He said he couldn't be happier with how she is looking from the outside! She doesn't have much reflex strength in her left ankle, but she walks and runs fine, so he isn't majorly concerned. He is always thrilled with how well she is doing! He scheduled an MRI for 9 months from now and will check the status of her tethered spinal cord and sac of spinal fluid then.
We were then off to an ultrasound of her bladder and kidneys (after a trip to the mall)! She was kind of freaked about this appointment until we got in the room. The tech doing the ultrasound was great! JF did so good for her...and was rewarded by the tech as always. (got two crazy stuffed animals that are magnetic so you can move their limbs and heads around?!?!)
Then off to our last appointment with the pediatric urologist. He reviewed the disc from her ultrasound and said things look great! She isn't emptying her bladder completely when she goes, but he said she has always been like that and as long as there are no infections, he's not too concerned about it. She has been completely potty trained for quite a while now, which was always his biggest concern. He doesn't want to see her for another year!!
So we had a pretty good visit with everyone! We got some shopping done and had a nice day! We left the house at 6 in the morning and didn't get home until 8:30 that night!!! It was a super long day with lots of driving!