Friday, August 1, 2008

My Next Food Network Star!

For those of you who don't know...I am a Food Network junkie and the girls often actually enjoy watching it with me! Well, I was mopping the floor today and I heard MG putting on her own cooking show in JF's bedroom, so I asked her if I could tape it. Unfortunatley JF decided she needed the knife MG was using in the middle of her segment....(sorry the lighting is horrible)

And here is JF trying to steal the spotlight with her own show...although her description of cooking her dish repeated the phrase "you do this, and then you do this" a million and one times!!


The Smith's said...

I love the hotsauce! She must be a Futrell. Also, I've never heard of bananas in tomato parmesan. I'll have to try that someday!

Anonymous said...

I hope Madison will cook me some of that tomato banana stuff with hot sauce.