Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Off to 1st grade!

MG just began her journey into first grade this morning. She was pretty excited! She has a male teacher this year, Mr. Gauch (not Mr. Grouch as the Man calls him!), which I think will be good for her, and her 3 good girlfriends from her kindergarten class last year are all in her class this year as well!! That certainly made her day!!
On our way home from dropping MG off at school , I asked JF what we were going to do all day without MG...she replied, "Just sit around." I guess she will have to get used to playing by herself again, or get used to playing on GA's level.

Ready to go!!
Waiting in line...notice she is first!
On her way...that is Mr. Gauch leading in front of her.
In class...sitting with her "girls" from last year. I don't think Mr. Gauch realizes what he has gotten himself into by letting them pick their own seats! Social butterflies!


Angela said...

Great photos!!! And wow, never met a teacher who let kids pick their own seats. But I know she'll have a great year.

Samantha said...

What a big girl!! Do you have year round school?