Monday, August 4, 2008

Our anniversary weekend...

Yesterday we celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary! Woo Hoo!! Saturday night we took a motorcycle ride to Bisbee (an artsy-fartsy hippie town about 30 minutes away) and went to a super yummy restaurant! This was my first motorcycle ride (besides a spin around the block a few weeks ago) and I was terrified to go!!! But it turned out okay. We rode in the wind, which was kind of nerve racking, and being monsoon season here...we got rained on!...but it wasn't as scary as I thought. I am sure if I had worn a heart rate monitor while on the bike it would have shown something different than it "not being that bad", but I look forward to more rides in the future! I even bought a leather Harley jacket and a new helmet!! lol
Yesterday, on our actual anniversary, my puppy that the Man gave me for Christmas died. She was only 9 months old. We noticed on Saturday afternoon that she was looking kind of sick, and by early yesterday afternoon she was dead. We aren't sure what happened to her, but whatever it was it took her fast! It was a sad day...especially since she died on our anniversary. I guess I don't have a very good track record with my pets dying on special favorite cat died on my 20th birthday! Anyways, MG and I went over to my mom's and buried her in the same place where my two cats from childhood are buried. We will miss Harley.
On a happier note, the family had a great time swimming yesterday...even in the rain!! :) Here are some pics...

That water coming out of there was not very warm!! MG is our little fish...she loves the water! This was JF's first time wearing the "floaty" suit...she thought it was pretty funny that she could float by herself! GA shooting baskets with Daddy!!

He loves to float around the pool!


The Jordan Family said...

I'm so sorry you lost your little pup. That's so sad! Are ya'll going to get another? (Does MD still have her millipede?)

Samantha said...

So sorry about your dog....Do you have a motorcycle??