Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I just have to share this with you all because I was pretty excited by it!!!
This morning after getting home from the gym I unloaded the kids from the car and GA immediately jumped on JF's bike. He loves to scoot around on it. So, I shut the garage door and figured I would let him ride around for a bit inside. I had some stuff to take into the house, so I did so. As I was heading back to the garage, I heard "MAMA" so loud and clear!! I went to the door and asked JF if she had called me and she told me it was GA. (She was very excited about this!) The only word GA will ever say is "Rella", so this was huge for me to hear him say "Mama" so loud and clear! I often wonder if something is wrong since he is 17 months old and doesn't even mutter Mama and Dada, but maybe he will start talking one of these days after all!! I hope so! But for now, I will hold on to the very few words he may mutter from time to time!


Samantha said...

How exciting! He is so adorable. Don't worry Jesse didn't start talking until he was 5. Boy, that kid was lazy! =)

The Smith's said...

That is so awesome!! I'm sure that Isaac will say Dada way before Mama, beings as Patrick is the one that teaches him all the new tricks!!