Saturday, August 23, 2008


This morning the Man competed in a triathlon here in town. He did a great job, coming in 4th place in his age bracket (missing 3rd place by 50 seconds) and he beat his time from the same triathlon last year by 15 minutes!! We will be heading to Vegas on Friday where he will compete in his first Olympic length triathlon! His goal for that one is to not die!! LOL He seems to be a bit addicted to these things!! :)

Here is the post triathlon story that should make you laugh...after the tri the Man decides to go to a local Mexican restaurant and get a burrito. He, of course, goes through the drive thru. Little did he know that his bike (mounted on top of his car) was going to hit the overhang at the pick up window!! The bike is okay but he ripped the (metal) bar from his bike mount in half!! When he drove up to the house I asked him why his bike was in the car instead of on top... he said, "funny you should ask", and added that he had just purchased the most expensive carne asada burrito ever!! LOL I'm glad he was able to laugh about it.

Getting ready for the swim...
Off on the ride....
I drove along with him for part of the ride....
Finishing the bike leg...
Off to run....
Finishing the run and the entire triathlon!!! Way to go!!
It is finished!


phil...jenn...taegan...colton said...

That stud! :) Oh, and the first picture of you two must've been taken by some super-cool chick. Ha ha.

The Smith's said...

Great job bro!! Patrick wants to know how far it was. Swim, ride, run? It's funny that after that race, Jess would want your sweaty arm around her. LOL! P.S. Did you check Mia's blog? You'd better call her, Jesse!!

Real Men Have Car Seat said...

Hey that's freakin rad, congrats!!
How long was it? what was your time? Did you come in last, first.
I know you don't call so drop me a line. Unless you're just you know to cool for school!!!!!